Belek Transfer

KPZ Transfer Taxi > Belek Transfer

Havalimanından Belek'e Transfer (özel taksi)

Antalya Havalimanı’ndan Belek’e transfer (Özel Taksi) ortalama 30 dakikadır. Antalya Havalimanı ile Belek arasındaki mesafe ortalama 35 km’dir.

Antalya, birçok ilçesiyle hem dünyada hem de ülkemizde sesini duyurmayı başarmıştır. Bu rağbet gören ilçelerden biri olan Belek, tatile uygun plajları ve tarihi atmosferiyle oldukça tercih edilen bir tatil beldesi haline gelmiştir.

Belek is a tourism center connected to the Serik district of Antalya. It is located to the east of Antalya Airport.

Belek is famous for golf course in Antalya and Turkey. Belek has 73 rest areas in total. 10 of them has golf course. Tourists, who rest in the other tourism centers, visit Belek to play golf. Also Belek is one of the favorite centers for congress tourism. The 2015 G20 Summit was held in Belek.

Holiday in Belek

Belek, which attracts attention with both its nature and history, has a very large historical structure. It invites you to a historical feast, especially with its 2000-year-old ancient cities and theaters. One of the most important places to see is the Aspendos Theater.

With a capacity of almost fifteen thousand and modern and high-tech designs for its period, it has frequently been talked about. On the other hand, The Land of Legends, the ancient city of Perge, Garden of Religions, Kurşunlu Waterfall, Golf Courses, and the ancient city of Silyon are among the places that must be seen. Moreover, Belek, with its beautiful and suitable beaches along the sea, can be considered as a very suitable place for the sea-sand-sun holiday trio.

Also, there are transfer services from Belek to Antalya to reach such places.

How to Reach Belek from Antalya?

Transportation from the city center to Belek district is quite easy. Through Belek transfer or private taxi transfer, you can reach the Belek holiday resort from Antalya. Especially by applying to the Antalya airport Belek transfer service from the airport, you can reach your desired area comfortably.

Similarly, if you want to return to the airport, it is possible to reach the airport from any location by benefiting from the Belek Antalya airport transfer service again

Affordable Transfer to Belek

Thanks to the unique sea of the Mediterranean, the fishing sector is quite developed in Belek district, where there are many fish and appetizer restaurants. On the other hand, with the established markets, you can easily reach various organic foods and homemade dishes.

You can also use the Antalya Belek Transfer service with peace of mind to facilitate your access to restaurants. At the same time, since it is famous for its oranges with Antalya, you can make a natural and healthy candy with orange marmalades.”

   Pre-booking a personal transfer for your trip allows you to plan your trip and spending in advance.

Transfer hizmetinin maliyetini web sitesinde hemen öğrenirsiniz ve sipariş gününde sizin için uygun bir para biriminde tam olarak ödeyebilirsiniz. Veya web sitesinde kısmi ön ödemeyi seçebilirsiniz. O zaman sürücünün transfer gününde yerel para biriminde ne kadar ödemesi gerektiğini tam olarak bilirsiniz, sizden ekstra komisyon alınmaz.

Çoğu zaman taksi ücretinden daha uygun olan transferin sabit maliyeti, seyahat bütçenizi planlamanın önemli bir parçasıdır.

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